Ex-politicians say Scotlandshire should get something

Two Fife MPs made contributions to defeating splittism, by urging that Westminster should think about transferring some additional responsibilities to Holyrood - if MPs think that a good idea..

G Brown and M Campbell made statements that indicated that they thought it would be a "jolly wheeze" for Westminster MPs to think about giving up some areas of power over Scotlandshire, and transferring them to MSPs in Holyrood.

However, since Sir Ming has already said that he won't be standing for election again, and Mr Brown can't be arsed to turn up in Westminster anyway, other MPs were reportedly dismissive of the idea.

An anonymous Chairchoob said, "Gordie didnae suggest oany o' this whan he wis in No 11 or No 10, sae it's clearly shite. Mind you, ma hero Lord Home fair buggered the devolution crap in 1979 whan he suggested that there wud be jam ra morra. MPs control the jam pot, sae fowk kin say whit they like noo. There'll be bugger a' change aifter a No vote!

"Gie up some o' ma poo'ers? I'll gie up reclining afore that happens."

A Spokesnat said, "If only Gordon Brown had become Prime Minister so that he could have implemented all these ideas!