Vile cybernat puppet master is unmasked by BBC

by Midden Raker, our Cybernat Abuse Researcher

JKdonationBBC researchers have finally unmasked the evil SNP puppet master who has been coordinating a torrent of vile online abuse by hordes of unwashed keyboard warriors known as cybernats. (©2012 Baron Foulksakes of Glenfiddich)

On entering our Atlantic Quay studios in Glasgow, Italian-born Toni Giugliano introduced himself to BBC researchers as an ordinary member of Yes Scotlandshire - the campaign which is attempting split up Britain and wipe out over 300 years of shared and proud history. But this channel has discovered, using the powerful Google search engine, that Mr Gugliano is actually Yes Scotlandshire's community groups adviser.

We can now reveal that Mr Giugliano is in fact the person responsible for communicating with more than 300 different groups of cybernats, whose members are responsible for almost all the abusive messages on social media (with the exception of the Scotsman comments, and anything written by Brian Wilson).

We have further discovered, thanks to the 'Winge over Bath' website, that he is related by marriage to 'Big' Guido Giugliani, the one-time Capo of the eponymous Glasgow crime family.

In his interview for 'BBC News where WE are', he admits to organising a clandestine meeting of representatives from each of these splittist 'cells'; a conference at which he intends to pass on the names of the cybernats' next targets. He even describes how he 'issues robust guidelines' to his 'supporters', to ensure they are all equally adept in the abusive arts.

We showed the interview to the fragrant Ms JK Rowling-Innit who made the following comment, "What a wizard idea of Alex Salmond to employ someone who is clearly a foreigner himself, then have him lead the Separatist's campaign to turn the people of Scotlandshire into foreigners before ridding the country of all foreigners.

"Salmond really is exactly like Lord Voldemort, except he's not imaginary and you can speak his name and (of course) the SNP has always refused to send anyone to the House of Lords. But you know what I mean.

"Plus, Gordon told me he's not nearly as nice as he seems on the telly - just before he said Yes Please on behalf of No Thanks".

Viewer Discretion Advised

We would urge you to view the video below and see for yourselves how unrepentantly this 'person' describes his many crimes. Regard, in particular, how he fails to display one iota of the deference due to a representative of the State Broadcaster.

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