Blow for Salmond as Sun runs a love-bombing series

By Nae Toryspin, Our Media Correspondent

salmond laughLast year, the brief dalliance of the Scottish Sun with splittism ended - as the polls showed that support was so low that the paper wouldn't make cash from supporting the silly idea.

On 1 April 2013 it was reported in the Independent, that "the withdrawal of support for independence by Mr Murdoch also suggests he has rethought earlier calculations that Mr Salmond is a winner – routinely a pre-requisite for support by NI – and that any commercial advantages for News Corp businesses in backing the SNP can no longer be guaranteed".

A senior boardroom source at NI in London said then, "the Scottish Sun will not be backing the SNP on independence. We will have a neutral stance".

Now, in a devastating blow to Alicsammin, the Scottish Sun has started a new series of articles designed to keep Scotlandshire within the close grasp of Westminster by showing the love that the English have for the Scots.

Everyone should read the views of John McCririck, and on the basis of those, cast their referendum vote - in the way that the Scottish Sun expects you to!


Related Articles

Independent (1 April 2013) : SNP leader Alex Salmond faces referendum rethink as sun sets on alliance with Rupert Murdoch's News International

Scottish Sun : I’m more of a Scot than Alex Salmond


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