Green Supremo Harvie humiliated in new poll

By Nat Hunter, Our Political Correspondent

pat harviePatrick Harvie, leader of the separatist Scottish Green Party was humiliated by the results of a recent poll.

While 65% of Scots polled thought that dictator Salmond should appear in TV debates, alongside real politicians like Cameron and Milliband, not ONE said that Harvie should get any air time at all.

In an Angus Reid poll, asking if minority party leaders should appear in nationwide debates, the percentage of people in Scotlandshire wanting to see each of these pathetic losers on TV was -

Salmond SNP 65%
Bennett English Green 55%




Wood Plaid Cymru 49%
Griffin BNP 37%
Harvie Scottish Green 0%








Political commentator Norris McWhirter expressed some surprise in his "Now and Then" blog. "Harvie is a good debater, and has constructive ideas for improving Scotlandshire. I'd have thought he would have had some support."

Ruth Davidson, regional director of the Conservatives was clear as to the reason. "Not only is Harvie a filthy separatist, but his insane policies are designed to destroy the economy in Scotlandshire, usurping our right to do that. He even supports the Communist ideas of the EU in improving working conditions for millions of people, helping to control the use of toxic chemicals in industry, and putting pressure on all member states to live up to basic standards of human rights and equality.

"These proposals for equality are quite shocking. Conservatives (with our Lib-Dem partners) will improve Britain's standing in the world by moving us up the inequality league table. We are currently the 4th most unequal state in the developed world, but we intend to have Britain top that league!

"We didn't fight two World Wars in defence of the British Empire, just to allow foreign ideas to disrupt the social fabric that benefits a few of us so well."

ruthdavidsonconservativepartyannualconferencezhkfllbkbmdlJohann Lamont was unavailable for comment, but a spokestoady said, "In the absence of any statement from Labour in Scotlandshire, it's always safe to assume that we wholly agree with Ruth Davidson. That's why we keep putting her forward to speak on our behalf on TV."

Ruth Davidson, Scottish Labour spokesperson said, "Labour in Scotlandshire cares deeply for ordinary people. It is in their interests that wealth, power and the economy is best concentrated in London, where the grown-ups live. A vibrant London economy allows the welfare benefit levels in Scotlandshire to be kept at an appropriate level. However, unlike the Tories, we believe that there also needs to be a small, middle class, compliant public sector to administer the charity to the poor. That many of them vote Labour is wholly coincidental.

"I have no comment to make about the "Scottish" Greens. Aren't they just a local group of the English Greens - just as "Scottish" Labour is a sub-group of the London Conservatives? As a regional politician, Harvie should just be glad to get a couple of minutes on Scotlandshire Tonight occasionally."

Wullie Rennie sighed deeply, "I'd love to be a member of a party big enough to be described as a 'minor' party. Even the SDA has more support than us - and they don't even put up candidates. But, whit can ye dae, eh?"

Kenny Gibson MSP, attack dog for the SNP said, "It would be good to see Leanne Wood of Plaid get more coverage. Folk in England suffer hugely from the metroplitan bias of the networks. The appearance of Farage and Griffin always benefits the SNP. We are, of course, delighted that two thirds of the Scottish population agree that Alex should take part in all TV debates."

Gibson dismissed the allegation that he knew the names of everyone who didn't want to see Salmond on TV, and would be personally visiting them, but added, "The reason no one voted to see Pat Harvie on TV, as you well know, is that the poll didn't ask about him, so your entire story is ridiculous, generally ficticious, entirely ill-informed and simultaneously biased in favour of the status quo - as your Charter demands.

"Go and interview Pat, and he will confirm that, though you probably wouldn't publish anything he said anyway."

We did. He did. We won't.

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